Shakeology - your resource to jump start your diet and get you looking great in time for summer


I could write a nice pretty profile of who I am but really, would you want to read it?

So here's a not so pretty profile for you:

As I write this I am listening to the 80's channel on TV so I guess that gives you a clue as to my age. 

I have two kids who are not home as I write this which is how I am able to write this - if you are a parent you understand.  My kids keep me off balance which for me is a good thing. 

I am the ultimate planner - I have worked 17 years as a meeting and event planner and even planned my pregnancies around my major conventions.  Type A to the extreme! 

So you can see, kids and unpredictable schedules are so out of my comfort zone.

I have an amazing husband.  I know he is amazing because he has survived 15 years of being married to a Type A woman who gets a little cranky when she is not in her comfort zone which is...all the time since having children.  I may be underestimating the "little cranky" part :)

I am an entrepreneur at heart, thanks to my Dad, and have been creating my own businesses since I graduated from college.  I have "tried on" many different hats over the years before learning what I truly wanted to do.

This blog is a culmination of many years of finding things I didn't want to do and falling on my face.  I have a strong Italian nose so I survived my falls with little damage to my face and persevered.   (FYI, "persevered" was my daughter's new word for the past few months and if she can use it and stick to her guns, so can I.)

So after a trail of business cards I have arrived here.  Where is here?  The world of the busy working mom who wants more out of life. 

I pursue happiness with a passion and for me that means helping other women discover their path to happiness.  I have personal success goals and they revolve around you.  If I help you find what you are looking for then I am helping myself succeed.

Financial freedom to do whatever creates happiness is what I want for myself and for you.  For everyone there is a different activity that brings happiness but there are a few central activities that lead to financial freedom. 

Those activities are what fill the pages here and keep me busy.  I hope I get the chance to touch your life and I look forward to you touching mine. 

To our success...!