Shakeology - your resource to jump start your diet and get you looking great in time for summer

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

ReVitaPhi Cheat Sheet

If you have already read the articles about ReVitaPhi posted previously and still have some questions, here is a quick "cheat sheet" on ReVitaPhi.

Highlights of Ingredients in ReVitaPhi:

Moringa Olifera: SEVEN times the vitamin C in oranges, FOUR times the Calcium in milk, FOUR times the vitamin A in carrots, TWO times the protein in milk and THREE times the Potassium in bananas. It can also purify contaminated water.

Tulsi and ashwaganda (closely related to goji berry)are 2 of the top 3 herbs out of 10,000 in Ayurvedic medicine. They are related to stress relievers, immunity bolsters, and stamina enhancers. These herbs are also said to promote a healthy metabolism and enhance recovery from fatigue.

Gotu kola and ginko biloba are touted as amazing brain foods. They have been known to aid in the healing of wounds, improving mental clarity and treating skin conditions such as psoriasis.

Ho shu wu (root of a vining plant)is another de-stresser that amplifies certain neurotransmitters (like neuroepinephrine and dopamine) so you feel blissful.

All in all, you should notice an increase in energy, vitality and attitude. Your skin should benefit from these wonderful herbs and you enhanced state of well being. Bring on the glow!

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