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Friday, July 2, 2010

Take control this 4th of July weekend

Fourth of July weekend

What will you do with it?

  • yard work
  • go see fireworks
  • go to a picnic

I challenge you to stop living “by default” and make a plan this weekend for how you are going to reach the lifestyle you dream about.  I will give you a free “fill in the blank” plan that will get you started in just 5 minutes.

I was reading an article this morning and the writer mentioned that Hallmark was holding an event to unveil this year’s Christmas ornament in a few days.  I thought, holy cow!  I just threw out my receipts from last Christmas the other day.  What do you mean stores are already gearing up for another season?

Where has this year gone?  It is already half over! 

For most of you this coming weekend is a long holiday weekend.  In the States we are celebrating our Independence.  Several times this week I have been asked, “Got any plans for the holiday?”  My answer was, “No, not really.  We don’t have anything planned.”

In my mind, I was thinking, I’ll probably do some housework, go grocery shopping and go walking in the local park.  My husband will most likely mow the lawn and do batting practice with the kids.

All in all, not a bad weekend but this is what every weekend looks like for us.  

This is what living by default looks like.  Without a plan, you tend to do the same things over and over.  In the back of your mind however you are expecting your life to get better.  How can it when you are not doing anything new to make that happen?

I am going to ask you to describe your dream lifestyle and I will bet that for a majority of you, you will come up blank!  You don’t know what you really want because you have not defined it.  

You may know things like, I want to have more money to pay the bills, to be able to afford to send the kids to college, to own a car or a house that is better than the one you have now or something similar.

Those are not lifestyle goals however.  Let me give you an example of a lifestyle goal by telling you what mine are.  

I want to have enough money coming in from residual sources to more than cover my bills so that my husband and I don’t have to work for anyone but ourselves.  I want to have complete flexibility over my schedule so that I can attend all of the kids events.  I want to be able to go on vacation three times a year to warm tropical destinations.  Finally, I want to help other women find their lifestyle goals and reach them within in 2 years of starting to work with me.

So to summarize my lifestyle - it must be flexible, rewarding financially and spiritually and includes warm sunny beaches.

Have you got the idea?  Great - now to get your head wrapped around what you really want, click this link to download our free - DREAM LIFESTYLE Starter form.  It is a short fill in the blank form that will only take you minutes to fill in.  You may however spend a good portion of this weekend pondering your answers.  

It’s a long weekend.  Take some time by the pool or while you are waiting for it to get dark enough for the fireworks to start to think about what it is you really want.  Remember you can’t expect things to change when you keep doing the same things.  Stop living by defaultClick here to access the DREAM LIFESTYLE Starter form.

Come Tuesday, I want you to know what you want and judge if your activities are moving you toward your goal.  Download the form and start thinking about the future that is just waiting for you to grab it.

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